When thinking about studying in England, the first image that comes to mind is London, but believe me, be sure to research all the options because, sometimes, there are cities that are more similar to your lifestyle or what you are looking for in terms of international experience.

First important thing: I think that to fully enjoy London it is interesting to be over 18 years old, not only to enjoy the nightlife, which is a separate chapter but also to see the crazy things we see on the streets in a more adult way, as an expression cultural and why not say, individual to each one and so typical of the Londoner. To understand what I'm talking about, in addition to the tourist attractions of London, such as Big Ben, London Eye, Madame Tussauds, Natural History Museum, Tate Museum, and Tate Modern. The London Underground is super easy and practical and you can easily travel throughout London, which, in turn, is divided into zones, with zone 1 being the most central and followed like a snail by zones, 2, 3, 4, 5.6…. That's it!!!

Copyright ©Marcelo Pereira.